BerandaEKONOMITwimbit stories: Making research bite-sized and fun

Twimbit stories: Making research bite-sized and fun

Twimbit introduces “Twimbit Stories” that offer quick, visually engaging insights on industry news, customer experience, and more. Users can easily access these bite-sized stories in various verticals such as Banking, Megatrends, Disruptive Tech, Telecoms, and Customer Experience.

A brand-new feature that condenses comprehensive insights into bite-sized, easy-to-read content in under 8 seconds

Need a quick fix on today’s industry news? Looking to cram in a quick customer experience insight to plug and adapt into your business practices? Or are you enthusiastic about keeping up with the top leading telcos or banks in today’s dynamic landscape?

Our short-form and visual-heavy stories ensure you never have to skip a beat while keeping you informed on the latest news.

How stories work

Find the Stories carousel above News Feed on the Twimbit home tab.


ImageImageGetting started is as easy as a click. Twimbit stories cover our 5 verticals – Banking, Megatrends, Disruptive Tech, Telecoms, and Customer Experience. View stories at your pace, when and where you want them!


ImageImageAnd if there’s a story that catches your attention, we also have the option for you to visit the post directly and learn more.

Learn more 

ImageImageOur goal has always been to make the inaccessible easy. Twimbit stories is our next step to a future of easy, bite-sized research at your fingertips.

ImageTo view Twimbit stories, click on To learn more, contact us on

About Twimbit Pte. Ltd.
Twimbit is a research and advisory firm driven by a singular mission: to empower businesses making a difference. We specialize in providing invaluable industry intelligence to executives and teams, acting as a catalyst for innovation and growth. Twimbit’s proprietary research platform seeks to revolutionize the way enterprises consume insights, making it effortlessly enjoyable and accessible to all. More information on twimbit is available online at Follow news and updates from Twimbit on Twitter and LinkedIn. Members of the media can find additional information in the Twimbit newsroom.
Vansh Sehgal
This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES


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